
M'illumino d'immenso      i colori dell'anima


Born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

1969 Minerva Academy for Fine Arts, sculpture, Groningen, The Netherlands

1979 Sculpture restoration course, Utrecht, The Netherlands

1983 Switched focus to painting

From 1987 to 1993 occasionally she lives and works on the island of Sardinia, Alghero, Italy

In 2002 she moves to Italy, near the Lago Maggiore, first at Vergiate and in 2007 to Cardana di Besozzo

Late 2014 she substitutes museumlike Italy with the more energetic Netherlands

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I work until i experience a sense of harmony amidst "quiescence" and "life". Not only in the image's particular details but also between these particularities and the totality of the image. This results in a way of working where the painting grows and changes during painting.
One very important aspect is the feeling of three-dimensionality of the image, in which you can always see my origins as a sculptor...
My search is to capture a longing, give the viewer the feeling to step inside the work.. and start his own journey within

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  1. Others about her work:

    "Art, like science, can apply to many different subjects, sociology, psychology, even art itself.
    Most of such contemporary art fades in meaning to merely break the monotone pattern of wallpaper.
    Christine's art is of the highest order, it tells us about, and let's us experience a deeper realm of reality. One just has to look and step in..." (2002)

  2. affiche Besozzo
  3. Dott.ssa Costanza Rinaldi 

    Un equilibrio precario tra realtà e immaginario, nel quale la metafisica e il simbolismo si uniscono a creare il realismo delle sue tele. L'opera di Christine Boré è decisamente scultorea, la costruzione prospettica non viene mai meno e l'unione dei diversi elementi conferiscono una particolare magia alla narrazione delle vicende.

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