Oil Paintings
In 1998 she decides to change materials to oil paint. After more than a year of self-study she takes her first steps with these new possibilities. In her early work the triunity of technique, the act of painting in itself and the precise representation of an object’s outer surface proves essential.
You Shall See. 100x80 cm
Oil Pastels
From 1987 to 1993 she occasionally lives on the island of Sardinia where she learns about oil pastels. With the strong light on Sardinia and the pastel colors' intensity, while developing her own technique she switched from using a white ground to colored underpaintings ("imprimatura").
The World Adrift. 90x70 cm
Dream of the Final Step. 90x70 cm
A severe car accident serves as a reality check and forces her to leave sculpture and restoration behind. She returns to her first love, drawing and painting, with colored pencil and watercolor. By then, her style already matured, she begins to explore her own abilities.
Love Will Win
Petrified Patience
In 1989 she adds graphic art to her repetoire, designs in linoleum. In a way linocuts embrace the rhythm of sculpting. Engraving draws her focus, tho the polychromatic copies always prove a challenge as well, as this is done as a sole print.
From lino to printing.
Commedia dell'arte: L'amore.